Monday, December 6, 2010

Starting All Over Again

So, I started this blog over a year ago when I turned 40 years old. Frankly, I forgot all about it. So, now, I'm working on it again. I have a ton of time on my hands, plus, suddenly, I find I have more to say.

So, this blog will be a lot about religion and a bit about politics. It's hard to avoid combining the two, because as I've heard said, one rides the other like a drunken whore.

Oh yeah, I said it. Didn't you see the adult warning as you logged in?

Here's a little bit about me. I grew up in a little logging town on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. I've always had a spiritual bent. When someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I told them I wanted to be an astronaut and a minister. So, in a bout of religious mania when I was a teenager, I joined one of the most virulent religious cults in the world, Jehovah's Witnesses. I was ordained at 17, unusually young for a Witness, but not for me. (When I want something, I go after it like a pug chasing a cheeseburger.) This was in the face of strong opposition from my family. They didn't understand and I did a poor job of trying to explain it. Eh, I was young. It's an excuse but a valid one.

To make a long story short, about the time I was 28, I had a series of metaphysical experiences that led me to a discovery. I'm an atheist. I only believed in God because I'd been taught to believe and I swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. However, I respect others religious beliefs and mock them when necessary.

God and spirituality are still my favorite topics of conversation. I can't understand how anyone can go through their lives without exploring questions of the spirit. What happens after death? Why is evil allowed to exist? How can I learn if God is real? Who is the Devil? All that rubbish.

So, I'll be talking about my journey, what I continue to learn, what continues to amuse and enrage me about religion and our culture in general, and what I admire about ethical individuals in the field. I encourage civil debate. When we challenge our ideas, we learn. I refuse to debate dogma. It serves no constructive purpose.

So, without further ado, on with the show!


  1. I'll be interested to see what spiritual path an atheist follows.

    Mostly 'cuz I think I need one . . . ?? ;o)

    I belong to "Religion is the original weapon of mass destruction" school.

    Raised preacher's kid. Currently call myself agnostic - don't KNOW either way. God/creator is highly doubtful, but believe that both ends of spectrum require knowing the unknowable.

    Thinking of you - about to go make a Tubz Diet root beer / whipping cream float.


  2. Pugs! You're also a teacher and a healer. Don't run from it.
