Saturday, December 11, 2010

Conversation With My Desk Clerk

I don't want this blog to be too serious (in case the jpgs of Homer Simpson and pimps didn't tell you that in the first place). So, from time to time, I'm going to include little vignettes of my life. Like this one!

Last night I went to relieve the desk clerk where I work. He's a nice kid, about 21 or so, engaged to be married in a year. While we were talking shop and he was closing his shift, I saw some strange multi-colored-pillowy-fringey things behind him on the desk.

Me: "Oh, hey. What's that behind you on the desk?"

"Those?" He walks back, picks one up and puts his hand inside it like a puppet. "I'm getting ready to wrap these to put under the tree as gift decorations."

"You're making fake gifts? For decorations? Why?"

"Well, my fiance and her mother ..." That's when it hit me and I interrupted him.

"You got suckered into a girl project!" I exclaimed.

"What? No! I ..."

"You got suckered! You got suckered!" I was literally dancing a little jig in the lobby and laughing my ass off.

He just stood there staring at me, lips pressed tightly together.

I stopped and faced him at the desk.

"Wait till I blog about this tonight!"


  1. What was on the desk was just filler for the fake gifts. What was funny about it? Women have a way of roping men into doing things that no man would even think of, like making fake presents to put under a tree - and this poor kid got totally snookered!
