Friday, January 14, 2011

Learning About Buddhism

For a few years now, I've had an interest in Buddhism. This arose from a comment someone made to me about a discovery I'd made about myself. She told me that what I'd experienced was a perfect example of a certain buddhistic (is that a word?) principle. When I want to learn something, I like to consult with experts. Why waste time with wanna-bees? So, I've been reading "The Way of Zen" by Alan Watts.

Alan Watts

This isn't reading you just plow through like a sci-fi novel. I take in a few pages, let it sit a couple days and then go and re-read it. And maybe re-read it again. Which is part of the problem, no doubt. While I'm trying to process the information, that is contrary to a primary concept of Buddhism. Watts says this: "... Taoism concerns itself with unconventional knowledge, with the understanding of life directly, instead of the abstract, linear terms of representational thinking." You have to live it. I like that.

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