Friday, January 28, 2011

Here Comes 1,000!

I can't believe it. I've only been blogging about three months and already I'm almost to 1,000 pageviews! Apparently, someone out there likes me. 

I have to admit, when I started blogging, the idea of 1,000 pageviews was ridiculous to me. I would have been happy with 10 this whole time. Instead, I got 100 times more than I hoped. Thank you, everyone.

I'm getting ready to return to Seattle at the end of February. Sometime in March, I'll be starting a separate blog about the little hole in the wall restaurants I enjoy visiting. I wouldn't say I'm a foodie. I just want to showcase some of the hard-working kitchens that deserve more publicity for their delicious meals. You know, places you might have seen but thought "ewwww." 

Lastly, I'm working on a special project and requested input from you readers. I'm sorry to say I haven't gotten any responses on that. However, I'm not deterred. It just means that I have to figure it out on my own. I'm only disappointed because I know many of you have information on cool gatherings and locales. One of my friends told me about something called the Rainbow Family Gathering. (It's going to be in Washington State this year.) Someone else told me about an event called "Barterfest", which I'm considering. And then, there's the Telluride Mushroom Festival I'd like to attend. 

Until next time. And thanks again, everyone!

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